The majority of small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the means to assign independent staff to continuously follow the English-language background materials. The death of British businessman Neil Heywood is currently subject to criminal investigation by Chinese authorities, and the wife of Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai, has been arrested in connection with it. Establish a client base and work from there. (271) Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, OJ L 197, 21.7.2001. Organizaciones sindicales, populares y medio ambientales, unidas en la Mesa social por Aysén han organizado una petición generalizada compuesta de diez puntos en la que se exige al Gobierno que encuentre soluciones a los problemas de aislamiento geográfico, elevado coste de vida, graves carencias en sanidad y educación, reducción drástica de los recursos naturales y marcada desigualdad socioeconómica de la región. 28. Moreover, the agreement in itself, through its human rights clause, the sustainable development chapter, and related monitoring and enforcement mechanisms will provide us with additional instruments to promote and leverage continued progress on human rights. Se l'esperienza, che durerà un anno, avrà successo diventerà definitiva nel 2014. Door een nieuwe Franse wet van 28 februari 2012 zullen alle automobilisten vanaf 1 juli 2012 verplicht worden om een ongebruikte alcoholtester bij zich te hebben in hun voertuig. Il progetto ha contribuito altresì a ottenere una migliore comprensione della salute degli adolescenti in termini di carenze di sostanze nutrienti, delle preferenze alimentari degli adolescenti e dei fattori che motivano le loro scelte. (187) On 19 April 2012, General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, Commander of Iran’s ground forces, announced that his country is prepared to take military action over the disputed Persian Gulf island of Abu Musa, which is controlled by Iran but claimed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Antwort von Frau Reding im Namen der Kommission. — Ερωτάται η Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπος/Αντιπρόεδρος της Επιτροπής εάν έχει έρθει σε επαφή με την κυβέρνηση της Χιλής ή εάν σκοπεύει να το πράξει, προκειμένου να καταδικάσει επισήμως τις εν λόγω ενέργειες εκ μέρους της ΕΕ, να τονίσει την επείγουσα ανάγκη να δοθεί τέλος στην βίαιη καταστολή και στον απάνθρωπο εκφοβισμό των πολιτών, και να ζητήσει την εκκίνηση ανεξάρτητης έρευνας. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (141) has assessed the safety of aluminium intake and concluded that the Tolerable Weekly Intake for aluminium is likely to be exceeded in a significant part of the European population. The Grand Mufti made these comments to the visiting delegation of a Kuwaiti NGO called the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). A wide range of different screening technologies has been recently tested in operational airport environments. A Comissão já reagiu vigorosamente, nomeadamente através do Presidente Barroso, de uma carta do Comissário responsável pelo Comércio, Karel De Gucht, dirigida ao Ministro argentino dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Hector Timerman, e de uma declaração da Alta Representante/Vice‐Presidente, instando a Argentina a respeitar os seus compromissos internacionais. If a Member State imposes on merchants both a ban on payments of EUR 15 000 or more and an obligation to report to a financial intelligence unit (FIU), should, in accordance with the directive, a criminal penalty within the meaning of Article 6 of the ECHR be imposed: (a) for non-compliance with the ban on cash payments on: the merchant, who must also report this ban to the FIU and, in doing so, would be reporting a criminal offence which he/she and his/her co-contractor has committed, incriminating himself/herself in the process? — Has the Vice-President/High Representative made any representations to the Argentine Government on this issue and, if so, what? It's nutrition company which help you provide the meal replacement which fulfill all your nutrition needs. Devido ao clima criado pela decisão argentina, foi igualmente decidido adiar o Comité Misto UE-Argentina inicialmente previsto para 19 e 20 de abril de 2012. van 8 december 2010, Así, pues, en este ámbito corresponde únicamente a los Estados miembros velar por el respeto de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos fundamentales derivadas de acuerdos internacionales y de su legislación interna. What a great opportunity! Η οδηγία περί υγειονομικής ταφής των αποβλήτων (36) δεν περιλαμβάνει ειδικές απαιτήσεις για την τοποθεσία του χώρου υγειονομικής ταφής, ούτε εξειδικεύει ότι η άδεια δεν πρέπει να χορηγείται σε χώρο υγειονομικής ταφής (ΧΥΤΑ) που βρίσκεται κοντά σε φυσικές πηγές μεταλλικού νερού. In his replies to written questions on the manner in which the EU is following the progress of judicial reforms in certain countries, the President of the Commission reaffirms the principle that ‘the Commission does not examine or comment on merits of individual cases’. In view of the above, can the Commission explain: How it intends to protect consumers with regard to the security of payments, including shipping logistics and guarantees that the purchased product matches the product advertised on the Internet; How it intends to counterbalance the online sales market in an economy which is likely to become the exclusive preserve of Asia. Interrogazione con richiesta di risposta scritta E-004160/12, Oggetto: Farmaci potenzialmente pericolosi. Youth local councils were established for the first time in France in 1979. Une consultation publique sur les paiements par carte, par internet et par téléphone mobile (83) s'est achevée en avril 2012. I tried the products and I seen results , I was so happy with it I became a seller , soon after that my sister started to breakout really bad on her face and the doctor told her to stop the products, sure enough it went away once she stopped, after that my aunt and me started to have really bad itchy head , we were making blisters from scratching so much and started to loose insane amount of hair , took a while to recover from that and we have completely stop using the products. Lo stress registrato dagli animali poco prima o durante la macellazione può produrre una qualità anomala delle carni con conseguente riduzione della conservabilità, ma non si ripercuote sulla sicurezza della carne. J'ai hesité plusieurs années, surtout à cause du prix.Un jour, début décembre 2019,je vois une représentante faire une annonce et je me suis dites, essayons!Je reçois les produits, je les utilise et effectivement, mes cheveux sont plus brillant et ils sentent bons. Pur non potendo intervenire direttamente negli affari interni di un paese partner, l’UE può esprimere le proprie preoccupazioni per i danni che un clima di violenza e intimidazioni può causare allo sviluppo del paese. (21) Verordening (EG) nr. The new pre-accession funds provided by the European Commission no longer intend to distinguish between potential candidate countries and countries that are formal candidates. The relevant technologies have not, however, been tested in an operational airport environment and a series of tests — undertaken in cooperation with independent consultancy firm Booz & Co. in 12 airports in the EU — shows that the equipment makes so many errors that, instead of streamlining baggage scanning, it creates longer waiting times for passengers, significant inconvenience in the form of more frequent secondary inspections of hand luggage and continued confiscation of liquids which it is not possible to approve. I rischi per l'avifauna includono la morte per collisione diretta con pale e altre parti dell'aerogeneratore o l'allontanamento e scomparsa degli animali conseguente a rumore e altri disturbi. Various experts have already stressed the possibility that the launch will fail and that, instead of falling into the Yellow Sea or the Pacific, the rocket may change course, with all the resulting consequences. This is and remains the basic position of the Commission. Regardless of the final verdict in any of the trials of members of the former government in Ukraine, the EU has identified these issues as priority areas for action in a broader judicial reform which it is ready to support. We require contact information to ensure our reviewers are real. Compte tenu des utilisations proposées, tant pour les adultes que pour les enfants, l'EFSA a toutefois également estimé que les grands consommateurs de cet édulcorant risquaient d'en dépasser la dose journalière acceptable (de 4 mg/kg de poids corporel, exprimée en équivalents stéviols). Directive 2009/148/EC and the legislation currently in force in Italy, including the law which established the ‘Asbestos victims’ fund’, protect workers suffering from diseases caused by working with and breathing this fibre. — ¿Podría informar la Comisión de la fase en la que se encuentra el trámite de aprobación de esa nueva Indicación Geográfica Protegida (IGP)? Il problema non può essere ridotto ad una mera questione di persecuzione religiosa. If so, how many cases has it found? 1. (52) Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, OJ L 197, 21.7.2001. The Helena (168) Then he again said that you will have to continue with the supplement to see results. ETSC provides assistance to the Member States, police agencies and third countries' authorities. EUNAVFOR werkt nauw samen met vertegenwoordigers van de scheepvaartwereld en de IOM voor het bevorderen van beste beheerspraktijken. Furthermore, since the adoption of the resubmission procedure industry initiated 35 court cases against the Commission. The additional costs per flight are therefore low. — Will the Commission advance payment of part of this aid? Antwoord van de heer Füle namens de Commissie. This can apply to online or offline purchases of services, and to digital or physical goods. Help out others considering your employer. Monat is great with their products, their workers know how to really introduce and recommend the best products FOR U! 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