Index tiles for this dataset are available as layer Northland 0.78m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2004). Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. The GIS Maps online tool provides publicly available information about properties in our District, presented in a mapping format. Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Index Tiles ONLY, for actual orthophotos see layer Northland 0.75m Rural Aerial Photos (2003). The supplied imagery is in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) map projection. Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Your browser is currently not supported. The Data comprises: Index tiles for this dataset are available as layer Northland 0.75m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2003). Orthophotography within Kaipara District Council area. For queries on this please contact your district council: Far North District Council – 0800 920 029 or 09 401 5200; Kaipara District Council – 0800 727 059 or 09 439 3123 You must attribute the creator in your own works. Imagery supplied as 10cm pixel resolution (0.1m GSD), 3-band (RGB) uncompressed GeoTIFF. You may use this work for commercial purposes. Index Tiles ONLY, for actual orthophotos see layer Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (2014-15). Latest GIS Viewer for Auckland Council, containing spatial and non-spatial data from across the Auckland region that includes; Property, Rating, Parks and Underground Services. Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). Please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific details, naming conventions, etc. If you are using IE 8 or later, make sure you turn off "Compatibility View". Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Imagery supplied as 75cm pixel resolution (0.75m GSD), 3-band (RGB) GeoTIFF. The Topo500 map series will, when it is created, provide updated topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland at 1:500,000 scale. Black backed gull roosting winter If you are using IE 8 or later, make sure you turn off "Compatibility View". Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). Imagery was captured for the ‘Northland Regional Council’ by both Aerial Surveys Ltd formerly GeoSmart, PO Box 302 072, North Harbour, Auckland, 0751, and by Terralink International Ltd, PO Box 2872, Wellington 6140. Far North Maps is the our public geographic information (GIS) system. GeoTIFF Operative Kaipara District Plan - Appendix 25G - Assessment of Ecological Significance . Orthophotography in the Northland Region taken in the flying season (summer period) 2014 - 2015. Chart NZ 4265 Kaipara Harbour (3.181m) - Land Information New Zealand | | GIS Data Map Mapping - LINZ Data Service - geospatial and related data from Land Information New Zealand. The supplied imagery is in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) map projection. Flood maps and the Building Act Under the Building Act, district councils will take into account the flood maps when making decisions on building consents. This dataset was first added to LINZ Data Service on 03 Mar 2014. • 287 x ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection. This dataset was last updated on LINZ Data Service on 13 May 2016. The Data comprises: There is also a wealth of other data available at your finger tips, via the Themes or Data Discovery tool. from Māori ontology acknowledges the inherent or intrinsic in, About Also see report on the definitions of these habitat types. The online New Zealand Chart Catalogue provides more detailed and the most up to date information about New Zealand charts: New Zealand Chart Catalogue, Information on symbols and abbreviations used on nautical charts: Symbols and Abbreviations, Hydrographic standards and specifications for nautical charts and publications: Standards and Specifications, Imported on July 20, 2018 Metadata provided for GIS. Index Tiles ONLY, for actual orthophotos see layer Northland 0.78m Rural Aerial Photos (2004). This dataset was first added to LINZ Data Service on 10 Mar 2014. •Tile layout in NZTM projection containing relevant information. Assessing the Mauri of the Kaipara 6 4 EVIDENCE THAT DESCRIBES THE STATUS OF KAIPARA MAURI Being an intangible entity, of life-supporting value, utilising quantitative or scientific evidence to understand the status of mauri is difficult. Southern Kaipara Southern Kaipara Auckland Regional Council : Spatial map of intertidal and subtidal habitats into particular habitat types. You use Far North Map to: Conduct property and land parcel searches; It is an interactive mapping tool that holds spatial information such as property boundaries, zones, services, and hazards as separate layers. •6,550 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:500 tile layout Layer ID 50231 Imagery was captured for the ‘Northland Regional Council’ by Aerial Surveys Ltd formerly GeoSmart, PO Box 302 072, North Harbour, Auckland, 0751. This dataset was last updated on LINZ Data Service on 20 Jul 2018. Data comprises: We recommend upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Geospatial data for Kaipara District. 3.181m, Catalog Service (CS-W), Atom Feed. NOTE: The final spatial accuracy for this is unknown. The supplied imagery is in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) map projection. Index tiles for this dataset are available as layer Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2014-15). Coverage is of urban areas with the Far North district, The Kaipara district, and Whanagei City council areas. Kaipara District Plan Operative Version Index 1; Kaipara District Plan Operative Version Index 2; Road Names Index; Land Use Map Series 1 Legend; Land Use Map 1 - 60 - (This is a large file, so will take some time to download). National Imagery - Kaipara District GIS Data Map Mapping | LINZ Data Service - geospatial and related data from Land Information New Zealand. Raster chart image of: NZ 4265 Kaipara Harbour, This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 75000. Imagery was captured for the ‘Northland Aerial Imagery Consortium (NAIC)’ by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. The final spatial accuracy is ±0.15m @ 95% confidence level in clear open spaces (2 sigma) over area of interest. You must attribute the creator in your own works. This dataset was first added to LINZ Data Service on 12 May 2016. LINZ Data Service - geospatial and related data from Land Information New Zealand. Export datasets to CAD, GIS, PDF, KML and CSV, and access via API. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts published and maintained by the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority at Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Imagery supplied as 78cm pixel resolution (0.78m GSD), 3-band (RGB) GeoTIFF. • 228 x ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection. Maps. We recommend upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox. By entering an address, the legal description or parcel ID of a property, maps of properties are revealed. The products are tiled into NZTopo50 1:500 tiles. THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). You may use this work for commercial purposes. Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (2014-2015), Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2014-15), Northland 0.75m Rural Aerial Photos (2003), Northland 0.75m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2003), Northland 0.78m Rural Aerial Photos (2004), Northland 0.78m Rural Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2004), Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos Index Tiles (2014-2015), Northland 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (2014-15), Catalog Service (CS-W), Atom Feed, Vector Query API, Web Feature Service (WFS), Catalog Service (CS-W), Atom Feed.
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