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AMD Ryzen 7 1800X A small form factor allows more transistors to fit on a chip, therefore increasing its performance. Kleine halfgeleiders zorgen voor betere prestaties en een lager stroomverbruik. Intel Core i9-7960X Intel Core i9-9820X A larger L3 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance. and Intel Core i9-9900 microprocessors. The "Number of cores / threads" graph displays the number of cores (darker area). Dynamic frequency scaling is a technology that allows the processor to conserve power and reduce noise when it is under a light load. Intel’s ring bus architecture is still better for gaming thanks to its very low inter-core latency. Similar CPUs use the same socket and architecture as AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and Intel i7-9700F. Intel Core i9-10900 A lower TDP typically means that it consumes less power. Het wordt gebruikt wanneer het essentieel is om corruptie te vermijden, zoals bij wetenschappelijke computergebruik of bij het gebruik van een server. Newer versions can support more bandwidth and deliver better performance. The Blender (bmw27) benchmark measures the performance of a processor by rendering a 3D scene. A 32-bit operating system can only support up to 4GB of RAM. Cinebench R20 is a benchmark tool that measures a CPU's single-core performance by rendering a 3D scene. 8 x 3.8GHz vs 8 x 3.6GHz Intel Core i9-10940X   Intel Celeron 2 GHz SSE is used to speed up multimedia tasks such as editing an image or adjusting audio volume. The "Number of cores … A larger L2 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance. For detailed specifications of "AMD Ryzen 7 3700X" or "Intel Core i9-9900" parts please click on the links in the table header. A small form factor allows more transistors to fit on a chip, therefore increasing its performance. It also allows you to run 64-bit apps. AMD Ryzen 7 3.7 GHz Cinebench R20 is a benchmark tool that measures a CPU's multi-core performance by rendering a 3D scene. It also allows you to run 64-bit apps. AES wordt gebruikt om encryptie en decryptie te versnellen. Intel Core i9-10900F It also allows you to run 64-bit apps. Intel Core i7-10700K vs. Ryzen 7 3700X vs. Ryzen 9 3900X 9900K Performance for Less By Steven Walton on May 22, 2020 80. Intel Core i9-10900KF Newer versions of DDR memory support higher maximum speeds and are more energy-efficient. Information in this table was With integrated graphics you don’t need to buy a separate graphics card.   AMD 3.3GHz 8MB. 64-bit allows more than 4GB, giving increased performance. Why is AMD Ryzen 7 3700X better than Intel Core i5-10600K? VS. AMD Ryzen 7 3700X. Privacybeleid. Small semiconductors provide better performance and reduced power consumption. If the CPU exceeds the maximum operating temperature then problems such as random resets can occur. Dit criterium meet de prestaties van de CPU die een enkele thread gebruikt. as well as individual instructions and low-level features of the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X The charts below demonstrate the difference between Intel Core i9-9900 and Ryzen 7 3700X most important features. It is used when is it essential to avoid corruption, such as scientific computing or when running a server. 17.07% faster CPU speed? The 3700X is a $320 USD 8-core, 16-thread mid-range Ryzen 3000 series CPU. A larger L2 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance. Share links. This benchmark measures the performance of the CPU using multiple threads. Een lagere TDP betekent meestal dat het minder stroom verbruikt. SSE is used to speed up multimedia tasks such as editing an image or adjusting audio volume. full or partial family name, model number, part number, core name, utilized internal timer to measure CPU frequency. Small semiconductors provide better performance and reduced power consumption. It is used when is it essential to avoid corruption, such as scientific computing or when running a server. Cinebench R20 is a benchmark tool that measures a CPU's multi-core performance by rendering a 3D scene. The 3700X is a $320 USD 8-core, 16-thread mid-range Ryzen 3000 series CPU. It is easier to obtain better performance when using virtualization if it is hardware-assisted. any combination of the following into the "Any CPU" field: manufacturer name, Als de CPU de maximale werktemperatuur overschrijdt dan kunnen problemen optreden, zoals een willekeurige reset. Rows with different specifications or features are highlighted. Nieuwere versies van DDR-geheugen ondersteunen hogere maximumsnelheden en zijn energiebesparend. Intel Core i9-7900X Darker area on the "On-chip cache" graph is for the On-chip L2 cache. It can support faster memory, which will give quicker system performance. The thermal design power (TDP) is the maximum amount of power the cooling system needs to dissipate. AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core, 16-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler, AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler - YD270XBGAFBOX, AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT 8-core, 16-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Cooler, AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT 6-core, 12-threads unlocked desktop processor with Wraith Spire cooler, AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core, 32-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor, Without Cooler, Intel Core i5-10600K Desktop Processor 6 Cores up to 4.8 GHz Unlocked  LGA1200 (Intel 400 Series Chipset) 125W, AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT 12-core, 24-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Cooler, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Processor with Wraith Spire Cooler - YD260XBCAFBOX, Intel Core i7-9700K Desktop Processor 8 Cores up to 4.9 GHz Turbo unlocked LGA1151 300 Series 95W, Supports hardware-assisted virtualization. Dynamic Frequency Scaling is een technologie die het de processor mogelijk maakt om stroom te besparen en geluid te verminderen tijdens lichte belasting. These characteristics, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a CPU performs. De Thermal Design Power (TDP) is het maximale hoeveelheid vermogen dat het koelsysteem nodig heeft. The maximum amount of memory (RAM) supported. Intel Core i5 10600K vs AMD Ryzen 7 3700X.


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