Dorothy Vaughan Quotes & Sayings . Katherine Johnson: Orthogonalization algorithm. Just 'cause it's the way, doesn't make it right, understand? Dorothy Vaughan: That he is. Mary Jackson: Well you were the first in your family to serve in the Armed Forces, US navy, the first to attend university, George Mason, and the first state judge to be recommissioned by three consecutive governors. [Mary indicates to Jim to come over to them] Katherine Johnson: There’s no protocol for a man circling the Earth either, sir. We’re just on our way to work at Langley. Judge: Only the night classes, Mrs. Jackson. He look enlightened to you, Sam? Joylette, Constance, Kathy: Yes, Mama. Al Harrison: Paul Stafford, our lead engineer, Mr. Webb. I didn’t ask why. #HiddenFigures #DorothyVaughan #movieq. Katherine Johnson: No, baby. We need the IBM for Glenn’s launch. Dorothy Vaughan: Separate and equal are two different things. Katherine Johnson: I’m sorry, I’m not the…custodian. The prospects for a Negro woman in the field could be viewed only as dismal. Jim Webb: When exactly is that going to happen? Ruth: The IBM. Katherine Johnson: Sir, if I could attend the briefings, I could stay current. Al Harrison: Space is a business. John Glenn: Look, I’m going to be honest with you, Al. They are all gone into the world of light, and I alone sit lingering here. Karl Zielinski: And I’m a Polish Jew whose parents died in a Nazi prison camp. Levi Jackson: [to Mary] I don’t want to see you get hurt. 24.9k Views, Dorothy Vaughan: Separate and equal are two different things. Showing search results for "Dorothy Vaughan" sorted by relevance. Sputniks. ...and begins speaking unintelligibly. Mary Jackson: Mr. Zielinski, I’m a Negro woman. On any given day, I analyze the manometer levels for air displacement, friction, and velocity, and compute over ten thousand calculations by cosine, square root, and lately, Analytic Geometry, by hand. For most black women, ...worked as a clerk typist then accepted an offer to work as a computer for, ...Computers played a role in both elements. Dorothy Vaughan: That’s Alan Shepard, US Navy pilot. They’re not assigning a permanent supervisor for the colored group. Two years after Mary Jackson joins West Computing. Vivian Mitchell: Space Task Group needs a computer, ASAP. You act right, you are right. Well, the official word is no. Dorothy Vaughan: Hmm, I think he’s smiling over here. Once you’ve done that, it’s pretty straightforward from there. [Katherine and Ruth leave Harrison’s office] Katherine Johnson: Excuse me, ma’am. Al Harrison: The IBM’s been spot-on up to this point, John. Katherine Johnson: Colonel Glenn’s launch coordinates, accounting for the window change, sir. Dorothy Vaughan: No crime in a broken-down car. Ms. Sumner: In all my years of teaching I’ve never seen a mind like the one your daughter has. Al Harrison: How have our Grissom numbers been? Jim Webb: A damn dog and a damn mannequin. September 12, 2019, 2:08 am I have the right to see fine in every color. Judge: Hmm. Vivian Mitchell: You’re quite welcome, Mrs. Vaughan. Constance Johnson: You going to space, too? Al Harrison: You know what your job is, Paul? Mary Jackson: Good morning, Your Honor. Paul Stafford: Yes. Night School Professor: Well, the curriculum is not designed for teaching a woman. Famous Movie Quotes : Dorothy Vaughan: Separate and equal are two different things. Colonel Jim Johnson: Right. My gals are ready, they can do the work. Katherine Johnson: Seventeen thousand five hundred and forty-four miles per hour, at the time the rocket delivers the capsule into low space orbit. Famous Movie Quotes : Edith Bratt: Things aren’t beautiful because of how they sound. [he takes Mary’s ID and looks at it] Katherine Johnson: Mm-hmm. Katherine Johnson: For what, Jim? That's for certain. Katherine Johnson: I will have you know I was the first Negro female student at West Virginia University Graduate School. What I am trying to get across to you; is please take of yourselves and those that you love; because that is what we are hear for, that's all we got, and that is all we can take with us. The women left behind, including, to community service. Thank you. Katherine Johnson: Yes. My application for supervisor, ma’am. Mary Jackson: Yes, sir. Vivian Mitchell: Yes. Colonel Jim Johnson: Pastor mentioned you’re a computer at NASA. Regardless of what the federal government says, regardless of what the Supreme Court says, our law is the law. Al Harrison: Ruth, he’s fine. We bring him in too soon… Dorothy Vaughan: What’s not fair is having the responsibility of a supervisor, but not the title or the pay. [back to Katherine’s parents with her principal and teacher] [Katherine looks offended] Katherine Johnson: That’s good practice, right there. Dorothy Vaughan: I know. Always changing around here, it’s hard to keep up. John Glenn: Yes, sir. [he hands her the white chalk and she goes over to the board] Colonel Jim Johnson: Underestimating you, and any other woman like you, though I don’t imagine there’s many. But you run it all through Stafford, understood? Dorothy Vaughan: I know, I know you probably believe that. Dorothy Vaughan: If you act right - you are right. But within these walls who, uh, who makes the rules? [Dorothy looks a little shocked as Vivian calls her by her last name for the first time out of respect]. Al Harrison: And why is it she can’t attend? Our, Dorothy Vaughan is a strong-minded, black mathematician who joins Langley as a human computer in 1943 and then works her way up to become the organization’s first black section head. Dorothy Vaughan: I’d love one. She is extremely pragmatic and fiercely devoted to her church and her children. Enlistees from Allied countries, like Chinese medical officers and the first Caribbean Regiment, presented themselves to the port's commanding officers before shipping out. Paul Stafford: No, sir. Katherine Johnson: Katherine Goble. Vivian Mitchell: Skirts must be worn past the knee. Mary Jackson: That Colonel Jim is a tall glass of water. White Cop: Right, right. Katherine Johnson: Mary, it’s Sunday. Arriving at her office, ...the world. Mary Jackson: I’m Mary Jackson. Katherine Johnson: Uh, yes, sir. Paul Stafford: And she is a woman. Dorothy Vaughan: Me? Good, then I’m going to need it by the end of the day. Everywhere I look, you’re not where I need you to be. [looks through his papers] Mary Jackson: Thank you. Both Katherine and, Meanwhile, on the bus to Newport News at the end of November 1943, 32-year-old, ...project for workers in Newsome Park, designed to fix the sudden housing shortage, is where. Dorothy Vaughan: I haven’t been late one day in ten years. Mary Jackson: Absolutely. White Cop: We got to get a man up there before the commies do. As if trying to redeem his own professional disappointment through the achievements of one of the few students whose ability matched his impossibly high standards, Claytor maintained an unshakable belief that Katherine could meet with a successful future in mathematical research, all odds to the contrary. Ms. Sumner: It’s the only school past the eighth grade anywhere near here. Mary Jackson: It’s not fair, that’s a fact. Al Harrison: What’s it called? Al Harrison: Well, there it is. Katherine Johnson: You already have a slice of pie, Dorothy. Katherine Johnson: Well, sir, I would like to get a jump on John Glenn’s trajectory. Launch and landing. Employers openly discriminated against Irish and Jewish women with math degrees; the odds of a black woman encountering work in the field hovered near zero. Katherine Johnson: Yes, baby? We work with those gentlemen all the time. Ladies, that there is a God-ordained miracle. Marion Smithson: West Virginia Collegiate Institute is the best school for Negros in the state. Vivian Mitchell: You're quite welcome, Mrs. Vaughan. Paul Stafford: Because she doesn’t have clearance, Al. …At the end of November 1943, at thirty-two years old, a second chance—one that might finally unleash her professional potential—found Dorothy Vaughan. Everybody insists he won't take it, but somebody always does. Katherine Johnson: Yeah. Al Harrison: And you figured all that out with this? Ruth: Absolutely, and she speaks. Katherine Johnson: Yes. Excuse me. We don’t have a single person in this entire building that can handle analytic geometry? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the William Morrow Paperbacks edition of.
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