explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training essay
He is to achieve educational objectives through the curriculum of the school. ...UNIT 1 They are likely to work with fellow teachers or trainers, administration staff, cleaning staff, caretakers, technicians and many other roles depending upon their organisation. Identify needs 2. These may be problems such as financial issues, family problems, or lack of transport. I will supplement this with written instructions to help students who may learn more effectively though written learning. For example, a student may bring up an issue that has been missed in the lecture, and the tutor may incorporate this change immediately. Oxford Dictionaries defines a role as “the function assumed or part played by a person ….in a particular situation”. Age What is their role. EssaySauce.com has thousands of great essay examples for students to use as inspiration when writing their own essays. Reece, I, and Walker, S (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning: A Practical Guide. They should always dress accordingly and act in a professional manner with everyone, not just their learners. 1) Identification of need: At this stage the role of trainer could be an assessor; it’s the This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Company Registration No: 4964706. This assessment is used in the sixth part, where I need to evaluate my own teaching, through student feedback and learning outcomes. Evaluation For middle schools, the teacher should be at least graduate. 2. This cycle is continuous in that it is ever evolving, with linkages throughout. (2014) The Award in Education and Training (1st Edition). Privacy Policy 8. It is evaluation which will throw light on teachers’ work and pupil’s achievement. At each of the five stages of the teaching / training cycle there are many responsibilities countered by relevant boundaries. He must pay attention to all children particularly to the delinquent, abnormal and mal-adjusted children. Part practice consists of ... whole practice. The teacher must be able to express his thoughts clearly His oral and written expression must be good. (Find a price that suits your requirements), * Save 10% on First Order, discount promo code "096K2". Integrity Maslow, A. H. (1943). The teacher has to conduct house tests and report the progress of pupils to parents and the headmaster. 1.3 Explain ways to promote equality and diversity. The Teaching Cycle. He is required to supervise attendance of pupils, their daily work, home work, their work habits and behaviour. 1.2 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. Identify Needs - This focuses on finding the needs of the learners, preparing a scheme of work and lesson plans to deliver group or individual learning based upon the needs of the learners. An example of a rationale is Government regulations from 2007 that require further education tutors to have a minimum qualification in the Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS). He should have sound principle of life as his ideas and conduct will affect the children profoundly. NATHANIEL LAUGHTON 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. It is said that the teaching cycle comprises of five ... All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. The cycle has no beginning as such but contains the following stages: The ‘identifying needs’ stage also includes identifying the teacher and institution needs, and although the cycle can begin at any stage, it is most useful to identify the individual learner needs early on in the cycle as this information can then be used for planning the stages of the cycle that follow. Role of the teacher is to identify the individual needs of the students. Fundamentally, it can be viewed in terms of wants and needs. Pupils study habits and work habits have to be guided properly. I aim to keep learners motivated by being aware of their attention span, giving praise and encouragement, asking open questions and varying my teaching approaches. Planning learning – having identified needs there is a responsibility to put the correct plan in place, tailored for individual learning styles. Planning the Teaching Session Providing a safe and supportive learning environment for the learner is important as it provides them with the best environment to allow them to achieve their goals and learn in. He should decide how much work is to be done in a particular month and in a particular week. Reference this. In a classroom environment that is respectful, assessable; both physically and mentally and supportive to all. It will be my responsibility as a teacher to deliver teaching that is suitable for all learners, be professional, supportive and fair to all learners. PTLLS Preparing to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3 Award The teacher can also help in promoting appropriate behaviour and respect by being a good role model and setting a good example in order to help create the best environment for teaching and learning to take place. Task 1. To promote diversity all ... ... responsibilities in lifelong learning are primarily to have teaching and learning strategies which are appropriate to your specialist area. Besides library work, laboratory work, sports etc. The fifth part of the cycle is the assessment of learning against outcomes, and my role is to ensure that my instructions have been clear enough for the student to make a mosaic, as outlined in the learning outcomes. For this purpose, parents teachers association may be organised by the teacher. It is dead sure that the importance of school building, school furniture and equipment, curriculum, the text-books cannot be ignored. Role in Teaching: Teaching is the first and foremost duty of the teacher. He has to organize instructional works dividing the syllabus into units, classification of students, construction of time-table and co-curricular activities are also to be organised. 5. In addition to the legislative requirements there are also regulatory requirements passed by government bodies such as Ofsted. I also understand that taking regular breaks from writing, computing, or mosaic tile nipping helps control the pain. The importance of good teachers is emphasized by Professor, Humayun Kabir by saying without good teachers, even the best of system is bound to fail. At the first place he should plan his teaching work. Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers. In addition to knowledge of his subject, he should have sufficient general knowledge. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. This is the initial stage of the training process. ...(download the rest of the essay above). If the learners preferred style of learning is identified, then this can also be used in planning and delivering more effective lessons. For this assignment I will be describing my role, responsibilities and boundaries with a group of learners who are employed at a factory in Gateshead, these learners are working towards a qualification in Fabrication and Welding, to people whose handwriting or other ability is affected. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training As a trainer in a corporate sector, my role is to ensure that I deliver the knowledge to the learner effectively and efficiently. These needs can potentially be identified at the enrolment stage or some form of initial assessment. Each workshop attend… This essay was submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. Learners with financial issues could be referred to the Citizens Advice Bureau or a financial advisor. Facebook The learners needs can vary from social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional an even financial so any resources used needs to be accessible and inclusive to all learners. I will focus on two elements of this Act: disability and age. In order to be a successful teacher, the teacher must plan his work well. Education The relationship with parents will solve many problems. next is the learner needs, and so on. 1.1 Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training: Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. Group disscussion and the use of visual aids helped to put the learners at ease and make them feel comfortable discussing their knowledge about welding. Government Equalities Office. Care To identify individual learner needs which can include the application or interview process, initial assessment or during a review. The teacher should always know where to refer the learner in such cases. However, within the role of teacher or trainer, the individual may also have to undertake many other roles, depending upon their actual job role, if they are to ensure that their students are learning. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. It is important for a teacher to know their professional boundaries and understand the limits that these boundaries impose on their teaching. The teacher has to organize a number of activities in the school. Design/Planning to provide a safe environment. They may have to change the way a lesson is delivered depending on the physical differences of the learners, or maybe arrange to have different resources, for example having worksheets available in Braille, another language, or printed in a special font for learners with dyslexia. Identifying needs – the teacher or trainer is responsible for identifying the needs of the user, and the relevant organisation. The website is funded by adverts which cover the cost of our hosting and domain renewal. This relates to Health and Safety Legislation discussed below. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-96. For example, they should never give out their phone number or personal email address to students in order to avoid any inappropriate contact. Also, it clearly defines the various forms of discrimination, such as direct, indirect, and by association, to name a few. Yes! The above are all necessary pieces of legislation to ensure the wellbeing of students, as is the legislation below. The teacher can also make a conscious effort not to favour any individual or group, and not to cause offence by anything that they may say. Once the rationale has been established, the core of the teaching cycle rotates in the order in Figure 1, i.e. Evaluation will point out weakness in teaching and learning process and the teacher can adopt suitable remedial measures. 1.1. (2003) Teaching in Further Education: An Outline of principles and Practice. However, within the role of teacher or trainer, the individual may also have to undertake many other roles, depending upon their actual job role, if they …


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