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As in Gardnerian Wicca, there are three levels, or "degrees", of initiation, commonly referred to as "first", "second", and "third" degree. A group or solitary may use a blend of beliefs and practices from several different pantheons and traditions. The High Priestess is considered “first amongst equals” and holds the final word in all coven matters. Published August 1, 2018 | By Admin. That said, we are fully responsible for our choices in life. While Alexandrian ritual tool use and the names of the deities differ from Gardnerian tradition, Maxine Sanders has been famously quoted as saying, “If it works, use it.” Alexandrian covens do a good deal of work with ceremonial magic, and they meet during new moons, full moons, and for the eight Wiccan Sabbats. Some begin training at a neophyte level, and then advance to First Degree. According to Ronald Hutton, in his book Triumph of the Moon, many of the differences between Gardnerian Wicca and Alexandrian Wicca have blurred over the past few decades. Today, Maxine Sanders has retired from the work that she and her husband spent much of their lives on, and practices alone. bruxa bruxo feiticeira feitiçaria feiticaria bruxaria sortilégio sortilegio feitiço feitico druida pagão pagao curador pagano chaman chamán xamã xama curandero curandera čarodejnice carodejnice, Alexandrian Wicca celebrates the eight Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. Alexandrian Wicca focuses on the polarity between the genders, and rites and ceremonies often dedicate equal time to the God and the Goddess. Our tradition has its roots in what is now called Gardnerian Wicca which had simply been called “the Wicca” or “the Old Religion.” The term “Alexandrian” is generally viewed by the Initiates of this tradition as a reference to its founder, Alex Sanders, and to the Great Library of Alexandria which was the centre of occult knowledge in the ancient world. All I read were books on Wicca, the Occult and magick. A person who is generally suitable for initiation may not be accepted into one group but may mesh well with another. My discovery of Wicca has been a life changing experience and to this day I am inspired by my religion and its endless source of power, love and harmony. The Elders must also consider whether the seeker would bring harm to the Craft or misuse or abuse the Mysteries with which they will be entrusted upon initiation. The Alexandrian Tradition is organised into covens which operate on a skyclad basis (ritual nudity). Most Alexandrian covens have a strong family feel while the tradition network gives the sense of being part of a larger international family. Alexandrian Wicca went into decline after the 70s, when Sanders retired. A group could be an offshoot of an established tradition of Wicca, such as Gardnerian or Alexandrian, but with modifications to their practice that make them no longer that original tradition. This diversity gives us a thriving and dynamic tradition with our feet solidly grounded in Traditional Wicca and our eyes looking to the future. A coven or individual may use the term “eclectic” for a variety of reasons. I was finally coming into my own, discovering myself. To be initiated into Wicca as a Priest or Priestess one must first be a “proper person.” The Elders of a coven determine this with input from those already in the group. In addition, a number of lines have a Neophyte or Dedicant degree allowing a proper person (see Standards of Conduct below) to participate in certain rituals before making the lifelong commitment to our Gods. Alexandrian Wicca is practiced outside of Britain, including Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, the United States, Australia, Brazil and South Africa. A Witchvox article by an author listed only as an Elder of the Alexandrian Tradition says, "Alex was flamboyant and, among other things, a born showman. STARFALL GROVE. As such they would not experience certain aspects of rituals that were considered oathbound. I began researching traditions of Wicca, seeking training into priesthood. Others are called to work away from public life and focus inwardly on their covens and personal callings. Learn more about the Blue Star tradition of Witchcraft. Find out what BTW is, and who qualifies to be part of it. Some Alexandrians are strongly oriented towards ceremonial magic while others are more oriented towards folk magic. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 30/May 1 No parts of this site may be copied without our written permission. Beltane – Oct 31st/Nov 1st Refira-se às páginas individuais de cada coven, se deseja candidatar-se a fazer parte dos mesmos. I grew also to adore the stories of the goddesses Diana, Aradia, and Hecate. From then on I was studying magick and Wicca every day, reading lots of books on both subjects and on other traditions of the occult including Ceremonial magick, Chaos magick, reconstructive pagan religions and the different paths of Wicca. We also meet for Esbats on the full Moon for workings, training and celebration of our Lady. She has encouraged, enabled and inspired students of the Priesthood to take on the conscious mantle of their spiritual potential. Maxine is a highly respected Priestess of the Sacred Mysteries. The tradition is based largely upon Gardnerian Wicca, in which Sanders was trained,[3] and also contains elements of ceremonial magic and Qabalah, which Sanders had studied independently.


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