Amazing! Solo: The Irish singer landed at Heathrow airport but didn't seem to be with his other bandmates, He's got it: Niall rolls one of his trunks towards the waiting car to take him home. (You don't want your hair snagging on the needle, ouch!) As a good sport, he got a temporary sleeve. The popstar seemed to arrive without the rest of One Direction, but he still enjoyed a nice BBQ amongst friends upon his return: 'So good t just chill out! All rights reserved. And way back in 2014 he told Glamour UK he’s just too frightened to get one. Of course, the more tattoos you get, the less this seems like a burden to bear, but trust the author of this post when she says that the very first one? ', Winners: One Direction took home four Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night in Los Angeles. I thought this was semi-permanent? Detailing the funny ordeal, James told The Sun: 'We made a thing on the show that he's the only member of the band without a tattoo. And Niall's fear of the needle might be gradually easing, as in 'Nice to Meet Ya' he sings: 'I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear'. Again, thank you so much for yesterday! But Niall remains the only 1D star to be un-inked – and there’s a reason he doesn’t have any body art. Niall Horan’s One Direction bandmates; Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson, each have tattoos on almost every one of their body parts. And so, when James Corden set up a game called "Tattoo Roulette" on the Late Late Show, Niall Horan, the only member of One Direction without any ink at all, understandably lost his mind. Published: 01:06 GMT, 13 August 2013 | Updated: 13:19 GMT, 16 August 2013. The young person’s guide to conquering (and saving) the world. Niall went, "You should put it on my a**e"'. But watching Niall nearly lose his mind when he realizes that he has a 50/50 shot of getting a tattoo is totally worth it. When he realised it wasn’t him, Niall jumped up and down screaming with relief. Related: One Direction's Tattoos Explained—by the Boys Themselves! Getting a tattoo is a big ordeal. Will the Teflon Donald come up Trumps again? The Queen was 'worried' when her two direct heirs contracted COVID-19 but Prince William 'coped pretty well... Italy imposes nationwide curfew and bans travel to hard-hit regions as infection levels soar, North Korean Covid patients 'are being left to starve to death in quarantine camps'. Niall's squirming and shaking would be downright adorable if it wasn't rooted in some really high stakes. Meanwhile, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles were all pretty amused by the situation — they each have numerous tattoos, and Louis joked that were he to get the tattoo box, "It's just going to be another stupid one, isn't it?". © 2020 Condé Nast. Niall Horan ’s One Direction bandmates; Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson, each have tattoos … It's a lot to ask someone to get a tattoo on live TV...especially when it's a design you didn't pick...and it's your very first time under the needle. Are infections ALREADY flattening? Niall has been open about his fear of the needle, nervously biting his nails and shaking when he and the boys played Tattoo Roulette on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Teen Vogue covers the latest in celebrity news, politics, fashion, beauty, wellness, lifestyle, and entertainment. UK records 20,018 new Covid cases - 12% FEWER than last Tuesday - but... Pictured with his deadly arsenal: 'Lone wolf' ISIS wannabe Kujtim Fejzulai, 22, who shot dead four people... Priti Patel raises UK terror threat level to SEVERE - meaning an attack is highly likely after terrorists... Is a Covid-19 vaccine coming at the start of December? Leaked document claims hospitals are 84% full (but last autumn the... Covid cover-up: HMRC refuses to reveal names of companies who benefited from £41billion furlough cash during... Boris Johnson begs Tories not to rebel in crunch COVID lockdown vote TOMORROW as he faces demands to release... Moonshot or Moonshambles? Moreover, the tattoo artist didn't even have to shave the bit of his arm where the design was going to go, an integral first step in the process. Two more cabinet members fluff their... Council REMOVES hated Covid lockdown bike lanes because they cause traffic jams while being ignored by... We didn't mean to scare you: Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance defend their '4,000 deaths a day'... Lockdown-free Sweden ramps up coronavirus restrictions in its three biggest cities after seeing infections... Is the NHS actually QUIETER than usual? Moment Trump gets emotional with 'his sweetheart' Ivanka by his side as he closes out marathon campaign in... Joe puts the house on it! Big up to willie Devine for makin a badass BBQ ! The Irish singer's lack of bodily etchings were called into question by the loveable host, who then asked if his visage could be transferred onto the popstar's body. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Don't know where I'm gona fit those surf boards at home (sic),' he tweeted on Monday. 4/4 awards! The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. But Corden had the last laugh, as the inking took a good three weeks to wash off the One Direction star's posterior. 'By the way! No pain, all gain. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. The only member of the British boyband to not have a tattoo, Niall was probably a bit worried this little joke would make a lasting impression. But Corden had the last laugh, as the inking took a … He also shrugs it off with a cool "I mean..." before he even opens the box, a clear tell that he knew what was inside. Teen Vogue may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. If ministers don't know the rules what hope is there for the public? I’m just too scared to do it.”, Niall has felt this way for quite some time, telling Cambio 16 the year before in 2013 how he’s “never felt the need.”. Download 'Golden' on iTunes, 23 June 2020, 12:09 | Updated: 23 June 2020, 12:14. He did briefly have a change of heart when One Direction went on their hiatus in 2016 though, telling Fabulous magazine he wanted a permanent reminder of his bandmates before they went their separate ways. “All the lads have screws on them. James Corden became the butt of all jokes after Niall Horan had a semi-permanent tattoo of the comedian's face transferred onto his rear. Niall kept Corden updated on the fading progress of his etching, Back in Britain: After touring America and performing at the Teen Choice Awards, Niall returned to London on Monday, 'We tattooed it on his left buttock - it took him three weeks to get rid of it. People in Liverpool fear no one will BELIEVE their test result after expert admits... More proof England's lockdown was premature? The boys went away with four of the famous surfboards after winning Choice Music Group, Choice Music Tour, Choice Single by a group for Live While We're Young and Choice Love Song for Little Things. To revisit this article, select My Account, then View saved stories. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Your California Privacy Rights. Harry Styles Niall Gray And so, when James Corden set up a game called "Tattoo Roulette" on the Late Late Show, Niall Horan, the only member of One Direction without any ink at all, understandably lost his mind. The artwork only lasts for the rest of your life — no biggie! James Corden became the butt of all jokes after Niall Horan had a semi-permanent tattoo of the comedian's face transferred onto his rear.
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