Find below an updated list of all Subnautica cheats for the latest version of the game on PC (Steam) and XBOX One. Erschafft Luftblasen um den Spieler herum. This command causes every Cyclops ship in the map to start flooding. This command plays the animation in which your character realized that the are infection with the Kharaa bacterium. This command (when in Survival or Hardcore mode) will enable or disable (toggle) your character's need to consume food and water. "0" is midnight (same as 'night' command) and "0.5" is midday (same as 'day' command'). This command will enable or disable (toggle) the AI of the Shoal of Fish. This command makes you invisible to all creatures - meaning they will not attack, or even react to you. Deaktiviert Kosten und schaltet alle Baupläne frei. Ändert die Distanz eures Blickfelds. Teleports the player to one of the mountaintop Seabases on the, Teleports the player to the abandoned Seabase in the. Spawnt folgenden Loot: 1x Überlebens-Messer, 1x Konstruktionswerkzeug, 1x Scanner, 3x Batterie, 4x Computerchip, 10x Titan, 10x Glas. Setzt das Spiel zu dem Zeitpunkt zurück, an dem ihr zuletzt gespeichert habt. SAVE your game before using these commands! Type the name of a cheat code into the search bar to instantly filter through the table of 92 console commands. The name of the biome you wish to teleport to, see our. Es gibt zahlreiche ikonische Cheats in Videospielen. Alle Cheats für PC, PS4 und Xbox One findet ihr in diesem Teleportiert euch ins Lifepod 5 und respawnt es zufällig. für mit, Cheats für PC, PS4 und Xbox One | Subnautica, Cheat-Konsole auf PS4 und Xbox One öffnen, Developer-Menü auf PS4 und Xbox One öffnen, Allgemeine Cheats für alle Items, Baupläne und mehr, Technische Cheats für Tageswechsel, Kamera und mehr. This command puts you in 'noclip' mode, which means you can move through any obstruction. Cheats können sowohl auf PC als auch auf PS4 und Xbox One ganz leicht aktiviert werden. This command starts the Sunbeam story event, skipping the countdown. Fügt allen Zyklopen auf der Map Schaden zu. Teleportiert euch nach vorne um [#] Meter. The command 'batch 12 18 12' would teleport you to the center of the map at sea level. Resources will still be required/taken, so often players will use this command with the 'nocost' command (which allows for free use of the Habitat Builder). This command can be used to force visual effects to occur - currently the only effect it can be used with is cyclopssmokeeffect (values 0-1). Sets a specific time. Adds a specified amount of a certain item to the player's inventory. Press F8 or Esc to get a mouse cursor and uncheck the box to activate the console. Subnautica: Wie aktiviere ich die Cheat-Konsole? Type biome without a biome name to see the following list. This will restore everything (the map, your character, etc) to the last save that you made. To manipulate freecam movement, use shift to accelerate. The batch X coordinate you wish to teleport to - batch coordinates are different to the warp command coordinates. Teleports the player to the Aurora's exosuit room. For the batch X and Z coordinates, 12 is the center of the map and 18Y is sea level. Console Commands are a group of tools that adjust the player's experience outside the normal scope of the game. Respawns the player instantly inside the lifepod. This command spawns a submarine next to your character - use 'sub cyclops' to spawn the Cyclops, and 'sub aurora' to spawn the Aurora. This command causes every Cyclops ship in the map to take 400 damage. Batches do not use the same co-ordinate system as the. This command is a cheat to automatically fix the radiation leaks occurring in the Aurora ship. This command will set the map's time to night. Es ist ein ungeschriebenes Gesetz in der Gaming-Welt: Wenn ein Entwickler Gangster-Spiele verstanden hat, dann Rockstar (...) mehr, Noch sind einige Ideen für Among Us geheim - aber der Entwickler stimmt bereits auf die Zukunft ein.Amon (...) mehr. Setzt auf Steam die freigeschalteten Errungenschaften zurück (kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden). Wenn ihr euch austoben und Dinge ausprobieren möchtet, dann könnt ihr aber auf Cheats zurückgreifen. Ihr müsst bei jedem Start von Subnautica 1x F3 drücken, damit die Konsole benutzt werden kann! Nun könnt Ihr mit ENTER die Konsole öffen (unten links) und Eure Befehle eingeben. This command will return you the last vehicle you were in. Initiates the countdown for the explosion of the, Plays the animation of the player realizing he is infected with the. Your desired speed multiplier - 2 would double the game's speed, 0.5 would half it. This command can be used to lock a specified blueprint. The name of the blueprint you wish to unlock. To cure your character of the Kharaa infection, use 'playerinfection 5'. Ihr erhaltet die Materialien, die ihr zum Craften eines bestimmten Items [name] benötigt. This command allows you to stay underwater for longer, but in turn increases your risk of getting decompression sickness - which can result in damage to your character if you rise from high depths quickly. A multiplier of 2 would double the game's speed, 0.5 would half it. Spawns several bubbles (air) around the player. pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/ngx_pagespeed_beacon','','jaWNFsBxCP',true,false,'ui6aGlAorx4');Mit Cheats könnt ihr euch in Subnautica z. A # of "2" would be 2x gameplay speed. The entry name is case sensitive and requires exact spelling with no spaces. The effect you wish to play - currently only option is 'cyclopssmokeeffect'. Spawnt folgenden Loot: 4x Metallschrott, 1x Salzvorkommen, 1x Kupfer, 1x Gold, 1x Quarz, 1x Magnesium. Toggles nocost mode on and off. When enabled, any damage given or taken to creatures (and yourself) will result in death. This command vastly reduces the time all WFMs (Water Filtration Machines) take to filter water. The Z coordinate of the location you wish to teleport to. new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(r){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(D){}}f&&("POST",d+(-1==d.indexOf("?")?"? The stage you wish to progress your Kharaa Bacterium infection to (1-5, 1 being the starter stage, and 5 curing your character of the infection. Spielt die Animation ab, in der der Spieler realisiert, dass er mit dem Kharaa-Bakterium infiziert ist. This command puts a severe strain on the gameplay performance. This command will stop your character from taking radiation damage, meaning you won't need a radiation suit in areas like the Aurora. Schaltet einen gewünschten Datenbankeintrag [name] frei. In Subnautica kann das Überleben in der Unterwasserwelt knallhart sein. The name of the item you wish to spawn into your inventory. Damages player's health % amount equal to value. Entfernt Terrain in der Nähe des Spielers. Bestätigt werden die Befehle ebenfalls mit ENTER. This command can be used to change your view distance. Does not apply for sealed doors which need to be cut with the, Allows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. Countdown für die Explosion der Aurora wird gestartet. Das Spiel muss neugestartet werden, um es rückgängig zu machen. Each use of that command increments day counter by 1. Shows on screen what biome the player is currently in. For example. This command gives your Prawn Suit every possible arm: This command spawns a collection of resources: This command spawns a collection of tools: The command applies the effects of the following commands: This command will add the resources required to craft the specified item to your inventory.
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