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The meaning of Laverna is unknown. Allegedly those who first invoke her see only her head. Lares, household gods. This time, in reverse, Laverna makes her body appear but has no head while her voice says that she swore by her head, but she has no head. Also known as the Erinyes in Greek is a trio of Underworld goddess called upon for Vengeance. A thief of whom even the other gods knew little about her. Laverna - Goddess of thieves, con men and charlatans. Show popularity chart The name of the Roman goddess of thieves. I would think these three would be at odds with Laverna for helping people to commit them in the first place. Its origin is "Latin". Laverna is frequently described as having a head, but nobody, or she’s a body without a head. She is invoked by the light-fingered for blessings and protection. She is invoked by the light-fingered for blessings and protection. We are often asked about mythology merchandise. - Roman Goddess. [citation needed] Liber, a god of male fertility, viniculture and freedom, assimilated to Roman Bacchus and Greek Dionysus. Article last revised on September 09, 2018 by Rowan Allen. BBCODE: To link to this page in a forum post or comment box, just copy and paste the link code below: Here's the info you need to cite this page. She is the goddess of illegally gotten funds and goods. If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our permissions page. Change ). Since we’re on the subject of Etruscan deities, the goddess Furrina is mentioned as an ancient Etruscan goddess of thieves and robbers, related to the element of water. … ( Log Out /  Clever thieves who find favour in her eyes witness Laverna with head and body intact. Laverna was a significant enough goddess in Roman to have her own sanctuary, minor place of worship on Aventine to be named after her, near the Porta Lavernalis. While there’s some anecdotal evidence for the goddess Laverna, scholars have surmised a few different meanings for her name. Manes came about as a polite, euphemistic way to speak of the Inferi without really getting their attention. Examples: JUPITER, JUP, JUPI. She is often referred to as having a head but no body, or a body with no head. Laverna’s story continues with how she tricks a priest into selling her an estate swearing by her body with the promise of building a temple on the land. Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders. Popularity index: 1155. There was also a Lord whom Laverna approached, promising by her head, to pay in full for his castle and all of its furnishings. Name: Laverna Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present, In charge of: Thieves and Robbers Thieves traditionally rendezvoused at Laverna’s shrine to divvy up their plunder. She had a sanctuary there as well as a sacred grove on the Via Saleria, the ancient highway that cut across the Apennine Chain from Rome to the Adriatic Sea. Gaining a round of laughter, the Gods than asked Laverna why she hadn’t paid the lord in full for his castle. Very little is known about the Etruscans to begin with, so it’s likely that Laverna was an Underworld Goddess who then becomes a goddess of thieves as thieves have a reputation for working in the dark, whether actual night or metaphor of darkness for in secret. Found this site useful? That she couldn’t have sworn an oath. Some sources try to connect Laverna to this group. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. We have sent our Data Dwarves off to find more nuggets of information. She is invoked to avenge theft. A Roman goddess of thieves, cheats, liars and fraudsters, Laverna managed to get a hill on the Aventine named for her. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Try entering just the first three or four letters. She sells off everything but doesn’t build a temple. Pronunciation: Coming soon Which doesn’t hold up when you know who they are, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone and that all three punish people for committing crimes. Her name may derive from the verb Levare meaning “to lift” as in literally to lift a load but also to lift your wallet. She set up her altar just outside the city of Rome where the nearby gateway came to be named in her honor. Laverna is a great shape-shifter. Alternative names: Gender: Female Laverna was a significant enough goddess in Roman to have her own sanctuary, minor place of worship on Aventine to be named after her, near the Porta Lavernalis. Libations to Laverna would be poured from the left hand. She’s not a moralist: Laverna will help dead-beat dads escape obligations and assist women whose pregnancies threaten to wreck their lives. I just don’t see the connection unless bad etymology and linguistics are going on. Do we sell Laverna graphic novels, books, video or role-playing games (RPG)? Laverna, patroness of thieves, con men and charlatans. Simply put, Laverna is the Roman goddess of Liars, Thieves, and the Underworld, more specifically, she is of Italian origins. In her earliest incarnation, Laverna seems to have been a goddess of darkness, night and the underworld. Copyright © 1999-2020 Godchecker, Inc. All rights reserved. Angry at having been deceived and unable to confront Laverna, both the lord and the priest appeal to the Gods to intervene. Again, that this lack thereof, she couldn’t have sworn an oath. In response, Laverna made her body disappear so that only her head remained visible as she said that she swore by her body and a body she has none. Rome’s Lavernal Gate (Porta Lavernalis) on the Aventine Hill was named in her honor. There was also a grove on the Via Salaria, an ancient highway that crossed the ‘calf” part of the boot for Italy from Rome up to the Tiber river. Lastly levator, meaning “a thief.” The word lucrum, meaning “gain or profit” is very much so connected to Laverna as a goddess of profit. Just copy the text in the box below. For all media enquiries please contact us here. Why yes, they were a collective group of ancient shadowy, underworld Roman gods, most of whom are death gods. ( Log Out /  Thieves (especially clever thieves and shysters; as opposed to thugs). Godchecker™ is a trade mark used under license. Laverna is the Roman Goddess of thieves, Who hears the prayers of robbers. The poet Horace makes mention of her as does the playwright Plautus where they each call Laveran a goddess of thieves. One is a cup found in an Etruscan tomb with the engraving: “Lavernai Pocolom” and another fragment found in the Septimius Serenus Laverna that connects her to the di inferi. She became identified with the criminal underworld rather than the underworld realm of death. She has a clever, sardonic wit. Patron of: Charlatans, Cheaters, Liars, Thieves, Sphere of Influence: Cheating, Deception, Fraud, Lies, Plagiarism, Secrets, Theft, Trickery. Posted on July 9, 2019, in Air, Black, Charlatan, Cheating, Chthonic, Crime, Cthonic, Darkness, Deity, Erinyes, Etruscan, Greed, Greek, Head, Italian, Justice, Law, Lies, Night, Oaths, Poppy, Prosperity, Punishment, Roman, Thief, Trickery/Cunning, Uncategorized, Underworld, Wealth. GodNote: Sorry this Laverna article is a bit short. ( Log Out /  Appearance: The appearance of Laverna is in question. And intervene the Gods do, bringing Laverna before them to inquire why she hasn’t upheld her end of the bargain with the priest. Though, in one of Plautus’ plays, a cook does call upon Laverna to seek revenge against some thieves who stole his cooking tools. Written by Charles G. Leland in 1899, holds a story retold by Virgil in which he describes Laverna as being the one female who was the craftiest and knavish of them all. The Gods have provided us with a robust privacy and cookie policy which all mortals are advised to read. She may be sympathetic towards you if you know who committed the crime: Laverna gets annoyed with shoddy crime and bungling. Updates coming soon. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Author Charles Godfrey Leland, an authority on Italian witchcraft, describes Laverna as the “patroness of pilfering.”. Laverna is also identified with illicit pregnancy. Updates coming soon. Plus, there are a couple of scraps of archaeological evidence to support her. (Copyright notice.) Lemures, the malevolent dead. Not sure of the spelling? She is the goddess of illegally gotten funds and goods. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Laverna continues to adapt: in recent years she has become associated with media piracy; bootlegging and illicit downloading. ( Log Out /  Those who prove to be bunglers will see only her body. Latona, goddess of light. So I guess it all depends on who calls upon her first if she’s going to help or hinder a would-be thief. "In his wisdom is no stamen.It is all head and no body, like the pictures of the Goddess Laverna." Laverna is traditionally worshipped in silence. HTML: To link to this page, just copy and paste the link below into your blog, web page or email. Thieves traditionally operate under cover of the night and so Laverna became their matron. Closely related are the Manes, ancestral spirits. Please mention when praying to the Gods. Further, Jupiter than commanded that Laveran become the patron goddess of dishonest people, the liars, and the thieves. Laverna would be invoked by thieves to ensure a successful heist without getting caught.


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