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Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 October 2020 - 31 December 2020), Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 July 2020 - 31 September 2020). Follow the horizontal line of the entry point to your exit point. Vehicles 2.8 metres or less in height and 12.5 metres or less in length. Linkt tags and passes can be used to pay for all your Australian toll road travel, including Westlink M7 tolls. See M5 Cashback Scheme and Toll relief - free registration for more information.Toll charges brochure. In no way should routing be … Linkt and Linkt Sydney are trade marks of Transurban Limited used under licence by Tollaust Pty Ltd ABN 37 050 538 693. The price displayed is the cost of the trip. 2.8 metres or less in height, A vehicle that is: 12.5 metres or less in length; and 2.8 metres or less in height, Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel. Our Sydney toll calculator includes pricing for every toll road in Sydney’s orbital toll road network. Vehicle length and height – Vehicle dimensions on NSW toll roads include (without limitation) any towed vehicles such as a trailer, caravan or boat, and items placed on the roof of the vehicle or vehicles with elevated roofs. If you travelled on Westlink M7 more than 7 days ago and don’t have an account or pass, you should receive a toll notice in the mail. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. It runs for 40km and links the M5 South-West with the M4 and the Hills M2. Toll notices are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and will include the cost of your tolls … If you have other questions about your account, try the Linkt website or Linkt Help Centre. Drivers towing caravans, boats and horse floats more than 12.5m long and 2.8m high are eligible for cheaper tolls on Sydney's motorways. The M7 is an electronically-tolled road with no cash tollbooths. E-Toll the faster easier way to pay your tolls throughout Ireland. Westlink M7 toll prices are different depending on your vehicle class . Typically, these vehicles are trucks, heavy vehicles, and can include larger items being towed depending on the overall dimensions. Toll rates are for planning purposes and maybe inaccurate. Check the definitions to work out which charge applies to you. Vehicle classes. Company: Midlink N7/N8 Limited Registration: Registered in Ireland - Registered Office: Unit 4044, Kingswood Avenue, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin, D24 T6YE, Ireland. Find out more about Tag account fees, Tagless account fees and Sydney Pass fees. Locate your entry point on the left hand side of the price grid. Find out more. $3.00 (9:30am - 4:00pm) From 1 October 2020, the GST inclusive toll prices on the Westlink M7 for Class A and Class B vehicles will be: Distance based tolling on the Westlink M7 means you’ll pay less for short trips and one-way continuous trips over 20 km are capped for cars and trucks. Follow the horizontal line of the entry point to your exit point. Currently, WestConnex M4, WestConnex M8, WestConnex M5 East and Westlink M7 are the only motorways with distance based tolling. Rebates and assistance are available to eligible customers. Linking the M5 South-West with the M4 and Hills M2. To check the price of a trip: Locate your entry point on the left hand side of the price grid. Weekends: Toll operators calculate and charge tolls in different ways. Find out more about Tag account fees, Tagless account fees and Sydney Pass fees. Vehicles 2.8 metres or less in height and 12.5 metres or less in length. Fixed tolling is in operation on every other motorway in Australia. Toll gantries are located at entry and exit points on the motorway and record your electronic tag or number plate details to calculate the applicable toll. Calculate the cost of your Westlink M7 trips with the Linkt toll calculator. If you travel outside of the peak period, you will pay a lower toll. $2.50 (8pm - 8am), A vehicle that is 12.5 metres or less in length and either a 3-axle vehicle under 2.0 metres, or a 2-axle vehicle under 2.8 metres in height, Any vehicle that exceeds the dimensions for a Class A vehicle, A vehicle that is: It can take up to 4 weeks after you travel for a toll notice to be sent. If you or your business are having trouble paying for tolls, we’re here to help. Locate your entry point on the left hand side of the price grid. From 1 October 2020, the GST inclusive toll prices on the Westlink M7 for Class A and Class B vehicles will be: In NSW, the class of your vehicle, along with the distance you travel, determines the tolls you pay. $3.00 (8am—8pm) This type of tolling is calculated based on the time you travel. Not applicable – all vehicles charged the same toll. Check the definitions to work out which charge applies to you. Use our handy toll calculator to work out the cost of your Westlink M7 trips. Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 October 2020 - 31 December 2020) Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 July 2020 - 31 September 2020) Find out more about Tag account fees, Tagless account fees and Sydney Pass fees. Typically, these vehicles are cars and motorcycles. Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 October 2020 - 31 December 2020), Westlink M7 Quarterly Tolls Price Guide - Car/Truck (1 July 2020 - 30 September 2020). All other toll prices are adjusted on 1 July each year, in line with the annual Brisbane Consumer Price Index (CPI). Toll gantries are located at entry and exit points on the motorway and record your electronic tag or number plate details to calculate the applicable toll. A video matching fee applies to all travel on Brisbane toll roads where a tag is not detected in the vehicle, or is not valid, at the time of travel. Vehicle length and height – Vehicle dimensions on NSW toll roads include (without limitation) any towed vehicles such as a trailer, caravan or boat, and items placed on the roof of the vehicle or vehicles with elevated roofs. Distance based tolling on the Westlink M7 means you’ll pay less for short trips and one-way continuous trips over 20 km are capped for Class A and Class B vehicles. This type of toll is calculated based on the distance you travel on the motorway. While toll calculations are available for a variety of vehicles, including commercial vehicles, routing for vehicles other than 2-axle cars and motorcycles should be verified by independent means. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. $4.00 (6:30am - 9:30am & 4:00pm - 7:00pm) Use our interactive toll calculator to work out your potential tolls based on the route you'll be taking. Westlink M7 is a major connecting road on Sydney's orbital motorway network. Toll options vary depending on your location. Fixed tolling is the traditional tolling method whereby there is a fixed toll for use of the motorway, regardless of the distance or time travelled. The price displayed is the cost of the trip. Typically, these vehicles are cars and motorcycles. There are 3 types of tolling in NSW. Westlink M7 toll prices are different for cars and trucks (your vehicle class). Here you will find more detail about the project, project consortium, tolling information, job vacancies and more. The price displayed is the cost of the trip. $2.50 (7:00pm - 6:30am) Toll charges vary by toll road, type of vehicle and in some cases by time of day. MidLink M7/M8 Limited is responsible for the operations of the M7/M8 Portlaoise Toll Plaza and associated project road. 12.5 metres or less in length; and Vehicle class definitions are different for each toll road, except for the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Tunnel. Westlink M7 toll prices are different for cars and trucks (your vehicle class). Typically, these vehicles are trucks and can include larger items being towed. "Westlink M7" is a registered trademark of Westlink Motorway Limited ABN 63 096 512 300, "Linkt" is a registered trade mark of Transurban Limited used under licence by Tollaust Pty Ltd ABN 37 050 538 693. Looking for something else? Vehicle class definitions are different for each toll road. AirportlinkM7 tolls are adjusted on 1 January each year. Currently, WestConnex M4, WestConnex M8, WestConnex M5 East and Westlink M7 are the only motorways with distance based tolling. Currently, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel are the only toll roads which operate with time of day tolling. eligible for cheaper tolls on Sydney's motorways, Vehicle examiners, certifiers and assessors, M4 Freeway (between Lapstone and Church Street, Parramatta), Weekdays: Find out which route best suits your travel. Follow the horizontal line of the entry point to your exit point.


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