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Yellow or golden color with transparent edges. Authored By Staff Writer; Content ©www.InsectIdentification.org. Like a tortoise, the body of the beetle is humped, or rounded, as if the wing coverings were actually a shell. If your Beetle Spirit is of a specific color, that’s a message too. Other common goals for which a Beetle Power Animal would be useful include focus, forward movement, productivity, reasoning, renewal, diligence, connecting with the Sun’s energy (fire/Ra), past life lessons, fertility, and transformation. They also have insights into Karma, knowing full well that what you get is what you get. Your email address will not be published. The tortoise’s wise looks, old age, and slow pace has encouraged symbolism of itself in many different ways which makes them a highly interesting animal totem. So, the key to pondering the Beetle’s meaning in your life is finding commonalities among Beetles natural aptitude and behaviors. The tortoise seems to give off a sense that they think about what they do before they do it. Because the tortoise generally lives a long life, it makes sense that they would make a great symbol for longevity and endurance. Updated: 8/23/2019; Seeing a Beetle in your dreamscape represents your connection to the community and your feelings toward others. However, if the Beetle is dead or falling to the ground, this portends sorrow, delays, and potential problems with family or friends. By far, the place where Beetle held the most meaning and symbolism is Ancient Egypt, where the Dung Beetle (Scarab Beetle) was an aspect of the Sun God Ra. Thank You. Required fields are marked *. So, the key to pondering the Beetle’s meaning in your life is finding commonalities among Beetles natural aptitude and … Those whose lives focus on Green living will love the Beetle Power Animal. Your email address will not be published. There is not a lot of talk about Beetle in Celtic Traditions. So here you have the Beetle representing determination and resilience. Return to your community of heart to find peace and understanding. Love the spirit meaning info. Red has to do with matters of the heart, while green, for example, deals with finances and providence. People born under this sign are slow to anger, sympathetic, strive for harmony in their lives, and are generally a cheerful lot. Native American traditions have some rather contrary meaning for Beetle. Let’s begin with some simple tortoise animal spirit facts that encourage some of the symbolism surrounding the animal. Nonetheless, any creature can come to you as a Spirit Guide, including the unassuming Beetle. The Golden Tortoise Beetle is even more remarkable because it can actually change its coloring at will thanks to microscopic cavities in its cuticle that house pigmentation. Every day a Scarab pushed the Sun toward the horizon at the start of a new day; this gave Beetle a strong connection with renewal, safety, and restoration. Tortoises have also been on this earth for a long time; some fossils found of these animals are more than a hundred million years old. The bottom edges of the beetle's … Physically speaking, Beetle Animal Spirit has a lot of interesting symbolism. Tortoise Meaning. Beetle not only created life but revitalized the dead; this is why Scarabs were placed with mummies over their hearts so they could transform and move on to the next existence. This is rare in animal totems, as they are often seen as being symbols for opposite things in different parts of the world, within different cultures. Beetles message is – know when to take yourself out of the limelight. It also symbolizes your ability to transform your life and survive just about anything; this is generally a positive omen of good possibilities in your future. I like to gather my thoughts first, on what it means to me, and then learn other’s thoughts. Because of the many virtuous tortoise symbolic meanings, there are many legends about the animals in different cultures. Instead, the tortoise eats only few insects and animals, and they have very little real predators. For one, the energy of this Spirit encourages nourishment, especially in the spiritual sense. They are communal creatures. Perhaps you need to better manage your time between family and work, and also rely more on the “team” ideal, so you don’t wear yourself thin. They considered this insect a strong Spirit who would help them hide when necessary. Like the Beetle, you have a great sense of smell and rely on that when interacting with others and the world. That is why you continuously strive for positivity and the effective use of your time and energy. The tortoise animal totem also lives its life at a slow and steady pace. Around the world, in different cultures and during different years, the tortoise symbolism has been pretty much the same. Considered a garden pest. Sorting out Beetle symbolism and meaning can be a little difficult because there are over 350,000 distinct species on this planet, coming in various colors, sizes, and shapes. When one lands on, you whisper a wish to her that she can carry to the winds. Something is happening on which you’re not quite honing in socially. Beetle can offer you strength and perseverance when you get stuck in figurative mud. Sorting out Beetle symbolism and meaning can be a little difficult because there are over 350,000 distinct species on this planet, coming in various colors, sizes, and shapes. Because of all of these things, the tortoise spiritual totem is sometimes a symbol for the magical and mystical, but mostly for it’s wisdom. Expand your senses to the spiritual level and walk with awareness in your heart. In Asia, if you catch a ladybug and free her, she will go to your one true love and tell him or her your name. They emerge as the adult beetle in midsummer. Whatever you’re facing, the only way to resolve the situation is by staying true to yourself; this is not the time to give in to outside pressures or conform your beliefs to something that makes others more comfortable. Additionally, this behavior gives new meaning to the concept of one person’s trash being another’s treasure! The bottom edges of the beetle's eltyra are transparent, like glass. They do not run into or out of danger, but instead keep more of less of the same slow pace for their whole lives. Try Different Quizzes People Are Talking About! Few insects boast a truly gold-colored body. Required fields are marked *, Tortoise Animal Totem Symbolism & Meanings. You are sensitive and aware of various perspectives and excellent at being a problem solver. Some Beetle species can hoist over 600 times their own weight to get things where they want them. Because Beetle brings change, those born with this Totem have lives that feel like nothing stays the same from day-to-day. Want to commune with ancestors or explore past lives? Just as well, the tortoise spiritual totem’s life is not quick to an end, but instead tortoises have been known to live for more than a hundred years at a time. The Air Element bring other energies to Beetle, including higher thought, communing with spirits or angels, sensitivity, Clairvoyance, and greater vision. Elytra have 12 black spot or no spots. We do have the Irish Proverb that says, “one Beetle recognizes another;” This roughly translates as “it takes one to know one.” In this area, the cutter Beetle has ties to purgatory, and often lives near gravesites accordingly. But make sure you count the spots on her back first, as that is the number of months before you’ll meet. The tortoise symbol also represents many virtues that humans often find hard to keep, like patience, knowledge and stability. They are not extremely cunning predators or overwhelmingly vulnerable prey. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. All over the world, the tortoise is seen as a symbol for wisdom, security, endurance, peacefulness, longevity, and patience. From an elemental standpoint, Beetle Spirit aligns with both Earth and Air, spending much of its time on the ground, but also being able to fly. They are! Some cultures see the tortoise or turtle as a symbol of a mother. In the wild, Beetles gather in groups. Khephra is the name for this aspect of Ra. For example, a Beetle’s body has three parts corresponding to “body, mind and spirit” in humans. The tortoise animal totem lives its life in a slow and steady manner. Gold has some interesting chemical properties—it is the most ductile of all metals, meaning, it can be reshaped into endless forms without fracturing. Like a tortoise, the body of the beetle is humped, or rounded, as if the wing coverings were actually a shell. Like the Beetle, you waste absolutely nothing. Upon death, all its metallic glimmer is lost. All the Beetles in a colony work together to ensure the stability of their home; this makes Beetle Spirit a fabulous symbol of cooperation, teamwork, and the importance of Clan/Tribe. Watch as Beetle Medicine teaches you about overcoming obstacles in your path. Each hue creates its own vibration that adds to Beetle’s meaning in your life. It’s like they’re placing their lives on purpose, making them a great symbol for order and pacing yourself. Tortoise Animal Totem Symbolism. Killing a Beetle brings seven days of harsh fortunes and torrential rains. Sometimes people will want to divide a tortoise’s shell into thirteen parts to represent the moon phases in a year. The markings on a tortoise’s shell is supposed to be a code for telling the future.


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