"What did Zeus do?" "Care to tell," Leo asked after a long moment of silence. Poseidon's upper body was completely bare, his heavy muscles taught like steel and the pure rage on his face was enough to scare most of the other younger Gods off their divine behinds, while he just wore simple sea-green loose leggings that reached just below his knees. They are saved by the arrival of Tartarus' own son, the giant Damasen. And she does this by enlisting a challenge. It made a clean cut in the foot but unfortunately it didn’t swipe it off. "Man, that guy is something you don't see everyday" said Thalia while watching the guy run up the dragon's tail. Battle Prowess: As an Archangel, Satan is an extremely powerful and high skilled warrior. "Hence the argument," he responded. A huge crack appeared in the ground as a giant stone claw reached out from it. Community. Thalia furrowed her brow, who was 'he'? Annabeth trailed off wringing her hands together and watching the shadows wearily, "Hell" she finished simply cringing at the word. That day I learned the Warden's punishment methods get a bit…creative. And since the dawn of time, his castle was built in Tartarus close to Flegetonte, where no mortal being, god or angel would ever dare to go. Percy Jackson Tartarus' Ruler. Hi guys, I hope you guys liked it. Percy POV. "Yet, somehow, Percy gets in the middle of the most fun, entertaining (and slightly dangerous) year of his life when he becomes an enemy to Luke. Even among the Protogenoi, Satan is considered utterly powerful, enough to effortlessly beat one of them even in an almost powerless state. Zeus spoke with power in his voice. "No need for such formalities, we actually have need of your assistance," the Trident-wielder responded as the straightened up. "Lust? What happened next was almost indescribable, the dragon shot magma out of its mouth which killed every monster and hellhound that it hit. I felt shock. Nico did go to the Lotus casino but is still the same age as the others (16) and Bianca did exist and did pass away, urg her death was so sad. he replied while looking down not to show his face. Hermes pulled them out and the two dissolved into bickering. Me and Thalia pushed forward harder as we tried to get to the man, but before we reached him he was already up. They had conquered monsters that few had dared to even look at and had completed quests for the Gods without a flicker of complaint. But their rebellion soon came to and end as Michael and his angels fought and ultimately defeated Lucifer's rebellion. Zeus expression changed from confusion to understanding realization before changing to anger once again. "I want you to place a heavy mist on a young mortal," the Sea-God said, coming straight to the point. Thalia sent Jason her best 'Oh My Gods' look. "I agree with you on that one, she does get quite violent. I charged. It wasn't his fault but of course he got blamed anyway, that seemed the way of the gods after all. The man flinched at that. As he falls through Tartarus with Python, Apollo reflects on how its the physical embodiment of the primordial being who is currently slumbering away. shouted Zeus as he vanished with a pissed off look on his face. "Think what you may, but your child will not be the fall of us Gods," responded the Lord of the Skies as he stared boldly into the roiling stormy green eyes of his brother. What happened to your eyes and how did you summon those hellhounds?".
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