which of the following statements regarding the expansion of the universe are correct
Thus, the universe is not expanding "outwards" into pre-existing space; space itself is expanding, defined by the relative separation of parts of the universe. the Doppler shift of spectral lines within the galaxies spectrum. Another theory, the steady state theory, also succeeds in accounting for the expansion and homogeneity of the universe. The star will change spectral type, the star will become larger in diameter, and the star will become redder in color. Did a Supernova Trigger the Formation of the Solar System? More distant galaxies appear to be moving more quickly away from any particular galaxy than those that are closer to that galaxy. This means that no matter what galaxy you happen to be in, all the other galaxies are moving away from you. The hydrogen shell burning is producing more total energy than the core burning hydrogen did. However, the galaxies are not moving through space, they are moving in space, because space is also moving. What are the coldest and the hottest objects in the universe? A star in the halo of the Milky Way is likely outside of the galactic habitable zone because there, Any system with heredity, mutation, and natural selection will, All life on Earth must eventually come to an end because, the Sun will make the planet uninhabitable, In the phrase "theory of evolution," the word theory means that evolution, is a well-tested, well-corroborated scientific explanation of natural phenomena, The habitable zone is the place around a star where, liquid water can exist on the surface of a planet. Some moons in our Solar System likely have more liquid water than all the oceans on Earth. The following figure shows the estimated relative amounts of water on the moons Europa and Titan and on Earth. 3. a consequence of the fact that light travels at a finite speed. What may happen to a neutron star near this 3 solar mass limit that is in a close binary and is accreting (i.e., stealing) mass from its companion, as in the situation pictured here? Consider the following statements about the expansion of European powers in India 1. Identify the two problems of cosmology that are solved by inflation. Einstein showed that a homogeneous distribution of matter in space fits nicely with his theory. In maps that cover distances that reach close to the observable limit, the average density of matter changes by less than a tenth of a percent. Which of the following statements about the moon is correct? it will look redder than it would if the cloud were not there, a single molecular cloud fragments as it collapses, forming many stars at once. Astronomers have never observed a first star with elements heavier than lithium. Why is this possible? Which of the following statements regarding the expansion of the universe are correct? According to the article, astronomers analyzed the speed of stars at the edges of the Milky Way to estimate the mass of dark matter. George Gamow and graduate student Ralph A. Alpher of George Washington University and Robert Herman of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and others used nuclear physics data from the war e›ort to predict what kind of nuclear processes might have occurred in the early universe and what elements might have been produced. The universe would have doubled in size every 10-35 seconds. The dominant factor in the formation of galaxies is the distribution of _____________ in the early universe. They will burn through their hydrogen more quickly, owing to both the efficiency of the CNO cycle and the higher core temperature. During the next decade, as researchers improve techniques for measuring the mass of the universe, we may learn whether the present expansion is headed toward a big chill or a big crunch. How would the light we observe on Earth from a high-redshift galaxy compare to the light observed from a low-redshift galaxy? Which of the following statements regarding the expansion of the universe are correct? This is an example of. The big bang cosmology makes a different prediction: if galaxies were all formed long ago, distant galaxies should look younger than those nearby because light from them requires a longer time to reach us. Carbon is a favorable base for life because, it can bond to many other atoms in long chains, Scientists look for water to indicate places where life might exist because. What does the information in the figure imply about our view of the universe? The gravitational force on the object would gradually increase toward infinity, According to Newton, the gravitational force on a photon should be. As material from the outer envelope of the larger star builds up on the surface of the white dwarf, its temperature and density increase continuously. Older stars are found farther from the midplane of a galactic disk because, the stars have lived long enough to move there, In general, older stars have lower ____ than younger stars, The best evidence for dark matter in the Milky Way comes from the observation that the rotation curve, is quite flat at great distances from the center, The Milky Way formed when the gas within a clump of dark matter collapsed into a large number of, Detailed observations of the structure of the Milky Way are difficult because, the Solar system is embedded in the dust and gas of the disk, Radio emissions reveal that the Milky Way is. a. By the time the universe had expanded to one fifth its present size, the stars had formed groups recognizable as young galaxies. From the vantage point of each galaxy, most other galaxies will appear to be moving away. How were these dust grains distinguished from Solar System grains? Answer: For any term x^ay^b in the expansion, a + b = n. And. When the universe was half its present size, nuclear reactions in stars had produced most of the heavy elements from which terrestrial planets were made. Given what you know of gravity and the definition of the density of the universe above. Maps have been made to determine the distribution of galaxies in the universe, or large-scale structure. When viewed edge on, a spiral galaxy often. Carl Sagan with the planets. Which of the following objects is most likely to exist at the very center of our galaxy, considering your knowledge of the properties of these objects? Under this scenario, what is the first event that will eventually happen? The neutral atoms then began to coalesce into gas clouds, which later evolved into stars. He assumed without discussion that the universe is static, unchanging in the large-scale average [see “How Cosmology Became a Science,” by Stephen G. Brush; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, August 1992]. A pressing challenge now is to reconcile the apparent uniformity of the early universe with the lumpy distribution of galaxies in the present universe. The growth of structure in the early universe was prevented by radiation pressure, but that changed when the universe had expanded to about 0.1 percent of its present size. Like Sir Isaac Newton two hundred years before him, he assumed an infinite, static or “steady state” universe, with its stars suspended essentially motionless in a vast void. which of the following most accurately describes the spiral arms? In other words, the universe has no center; everything is moving away from everything else. Thus, as early as 1917, Einstein and others realized that the equations of general relativity did not describe a static universe. We will see the high-redshift galaxy as it was earlier in time than the low-redshift galaxy. Which property is detectable for both dark matter and the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way? What can we infer from the fact that nearly all galaxies are moving away from us? Particle accelerators probe the basic physics of the high-energy environment of the early universe. from the wavelength of absorption lines in the spectra of stars whose light passes through the stars. How can this be true when the moons are so much smaller than Earth? The expansion rate of the universe appears to vary from place to place, a new study reports. The first stars formed in the universe had ____________________ compared to the stars formed today. By the time the temperature had dropped to 100 million times that of the sun’s core, the forces of nature assumed their present properties, and the elementary particles known as quarks roamed freely in a sea of energy. At that time, the free quarks became confined in neutrons and protons. Say that your friend is standing on Earth, which is warping spacetime. The evidence comes from observations of an effect known as gravitational lensing. Beginning with the Big Bang, create a timeline that traces the full history of a proton that came to be a part of the Earth, say, in the nucleus of a carbon atom. Within 10-30 seconds, the universe would have doubled in size 100,000 times, which is more than enough expansion to explain the flatness problem. how long multicellular organisms have been present on Earth. This relation, now known as Hubble’s law, is just what one would expect in a uniformly expanding universe. Some galaxies should be moving towards the Milky Way, and others should be moving away from it. Then both stars begin to move out of the arms, but the blue stars die before they can get very far. Conditions were still too hot, however, for atomic nuclei to capture electrons. (As George F. Smoot of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and his team discovered in 1992, the variation is just one part per 100,000.) How rapidly? However, the galaxies are not moving through space, they are moving in space, because space is also moving. When Albert Einstein was formulating his ground-breaking theory of gravity in the early 20th Century, at a time when astronomers only really knew of the existence of our own galaxy, he necessarily used the simplifying assumption that the universe has the same gross properties in all parts, and that it looks roughly the same in every direction wherever in the universe an observer happens to be located. Where is this additional dark matter mass located? The distance calculated to each globular cluster was too large, and thus his size for the Milky Way was too large.


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