Otherwise, very little difference exists between these two traditions. An American Gardnerian must be of the 3rd degree before she can become a HPS. The newsletter was always full of contributions from people of many traditions. No self respecting Alexandrian OR Garderian would EVER talk to a non-initiate about their experiences. These are just some of the questions to which I have yet to find an answer. Although similar to Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca tends to be more eclectic, and liberal. Why do so many Alexandrians come to such close encounters with death or some other form of tragedy involving their offspring? Now, I’ve only ever worked with a Gardnerian once. There is a strong lesbian presence in the movement, though most covens are open to women of all orientations. Geee….sour grapes, much? This can be used for calling, casting, and initiation. The current coven’s High Priest and Priestess continue supervising this person’s progress. In one of the Sanders’ various biographies (either King of Witches or Firechild…maybe even both or just turn to p.72 of Fiosa’s A Coin for the Ferryman), you read that during the investigation into the murders police visited the Sanders’ home as part of their inquiries. Crowley, Vivianne. The ritual turned out to be just as effective, but at the time I was quite baffled as the power seeped in quite subtly and silently into the circle. It was much better contained, unthreatening and easier to handle. They are politically feminist groups, usually very supportive, personal and emotionally intimate. 1996. At second degree, the initiate becomes a High Priest or High Priestess and is now able to lead rituals and teach. This branch is sometimes called 'Old Dianic', and there are still covens of this tradition, especially in Texas. What planet am I from? But those who do have children, often experience life threatening situations around them and so modify or limit their magical practice with some external philosophy. QuantumPhoenix.net : Mani's blog on Magic Wicca & Paganism. They celebrate the turning of the year through eight seasonal festivals known as sabbats, and hold coven meetings, called esbats, for worship, magical working and coven business during the full moon. ( Log Out / I’m sure I do not need to explain to you how a land haunted by restless souls can affect the magic Nigel, do I? No, maybe not. Have the murders of Aylsbury Hill – where many rituals took place in the 60’s – tainted the power that was raised, thus infecting the lineage with corrupted inner contacts? You came here out of your free will and there is no room and certainly not any people in the room. So explain to me what are all those biographies from Sanders, Crowther, Valiente, Jihmal de Fiosa…and all the books from Farrars, D’Este are doing on bookshops’ shelves. Alexandrian, founded by Alex Sanders and his wife Maxine, is an offshoot of Garnerian Wicca, founded by Gerald Gardner so the similarities are more prominent than the differences. It frees the practitioner from the order games (that most have forgotten are games) to play games with order or games with chaos, or both. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Male priests initiate new female members and female priestesses initiate male members, but must be, minimally, a second degree to do so.
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