10 select dt, wk_of_yr 09-FEB-09 7 --------- 12 where wk_of_yr = &&1 7 select dt, to_number(to_char(dt, 'iw')) wk_of_yr 7 select dt, to_number(to_char(dt, 'iw')) wk_of_yr 06-JAN-10 1 iw is nothing but international week starts on Monday. 5 ), 11 from wk_dt 4 connect by level <= 366 12 where wk_of_yr = &&1 7 select dt, to_number(to_char(dt, 'iw')) wk_of_yr 4 connect by level <= 366 SELECT sysdate today, TRUNC(sysdate, ‘D’) startofweek, TRUNC(sysdate, ‘D’) + 6 endofweekFROM DUAL; Hi If your question is to get start date & end date ( Monday & Saturday ) for every week which falls within the certain period given, then below is the query for the same..select TO_char(dt, ‘dd-mon-yyyy’) , TO_char(dt +5 ,’dd-mon-yyyy’) from (select :start_dt + level -1 dt from dual connect by level <= :end_dt+1 – :start_dt ) where TO_char(dt, ‘D’) = 2, here, :start_dt = ’10/01/2009′ means, 1st october :end_dt = ’12/31/2009′ means, 31st december…, here, :start_dt = ’10/01/2009′ means, 1st october :end_dt = ’12/31/2009′ means, 31st december…and the output will be…TO_CHAR(DT,’DD-MON-YYYY’) TO_CHAR(DT+5,’DD-MON-YYYY’)05-oct-2009 10-oct-200912-oct-2009 17-oct-200919-oct-2009 24-oct-200926-oct-2009 31-oct-200902-nov-2009 07-nov-200909-nov-2009 14-nov-200916-nov-2009 21-nov-200923-nov-2009 28-nov-200930-nov-2009 05-dec-200907-dec-2009 12-dec-200914-dec-2009 19-dec-200921-dec-2009 26-dec-200928-dec-2009 02-jan-2010, http://oracle.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/oracle-db-l/how-to-get-start-date-and-end-date-of-a-week-282653. 6 wk_dt as ( Select TRUNC(sysdate, ‘IW’) FROM_DATE, NEXT_DAY(TRUNC(sysdate,’IW’),’SUNDAY’) TO_DATEFrom dual; But this will give the First date and last date of the period given toNEXT_DAY function. --------- ---------- 07-FEB-09 6, SQL> with date_wk as ( The concept assumes a number of things which may or may not be true, such as the first day of week 1 is January 1 and that week 7 is defined to include, and also begin on, February 8. 12 where wk_of_yr = &&1 3 from dual 8 from date_wk If you use the ‘D’ format mask, it becomes much simpler…, D is day of the week 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday, SQL> list 1 select 2 to_char(sysdate,’Dy DD-Mon-YYYY’) today, 3 to_char(sysdate+ (1-to_char(sysdate,’D’)),’Dy DD-Mon-YYYY’) startofwk, 4 to_char(sysdate+ (7-to_char(sysdate,’D’)),’Dy DD-Mon-YYYY’) endofwk 5* from dualSQL> /, TODAY STARTOFWK ENDOFWK————— ————— —————Fri 26-Oct-2007 Sun 21-Oct-2007 Sat 27-Oct-2007. 3 from dual The above query uses the Julian date (2415026) of the first Saturday in the 20th century (January 6th, 1900) as an anchor point. 13-FEB-09 7 31-DEC-08 1, SQL> with date_wk as ( We'll send an email with a link to reset your password. 9 ) So, the question, as posed, relies upon a numbering system which allows partial weeks, the weeks always start on Sunday (so how does a partial week occur? Thanks. A long while back someone asked the following question, which seems simple enough: That same question popped up just recently so I dug out the example I made in2009 which is still relevant today. 10 select min(dt) Explanation. 12 where wk_of_yr = &&1 The first subquery shown generates a list of dates starting with January 1 of the current year and ends 365 days later.
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