Click to calculate the torsional constant J, which may not be calculated automatically. Simply highlight the value in the. These properties are calculated for all shapes, regardless of Material or Shape Type. Torsionals are now great and the inertia effects at the driven member have been reduced to acceptable limits. Therefore, the automated value for this will always be set to zero. $(window).on('load', function() { RISASection then takes the width at the top cut as the Total Width (Top) value and the width at the bottom cut as the Total Width (Bot) value. RISASection calculates most properties per flat plate theory. Over time, though, parts and suspensions wear. The location of a "neutral axis" is determined that weighted areas above and below this line are equal. The Thickness value for Pipe and Tube shape types is determined by taking 10 horizontal cuts along the height of the entire section. That’s why our torsionals are so good. If our simplified method does not capture the correct value, simply edit it in the Properties window. Simply click on the value in the Properties window to highlight the entry and then type in your value. The torsion constant, together with material properties and length, describes a bar’s torsional stiffness. If you select a shape from the RISA HR Database, then RISASection will instead read in the J value directly from the database. window.jQuery || document.write('